Faculty 2016-02-22T11:25:27+00:00
Paulo Blikstein

Paulo Blikstein

Stanford University

Keywords: Learning, Software Development, Technology

John Bruer

John Bruer

Consultant, McDonnell Foundation

Keywords: Behavior, Learning, Memory

Silvia Bunge

Silvia Bunge

University of California at Berkeley

Keywords: Memory, Reasoning, School Interventions

Stanislas Dehaene

Stanislas Dehaene

Collège de France/INSERM/CEA

Keywords: Language (verbal and non-verbal), Number sense and Geometry, Reading and Writing

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Keywords: Electrophysiology, Infancy, Language (verbal and non-verbal)

Anna Fisher

Anna Fisher

Carnegie Mellon University

Keywords: Development, Learning, Reasoning

Susan Fitzpatrick

Susan Fitzpatrick

James S McDonnell Fdn

Keywords: Behavior, Learning, Teaching

Simona Ghetti

Simona Ghetti

University of California, Davis

Keywords: Childhood, Development, Memory

Roberta Golinkoff

Roberta Golinkoff

University of Delaware

Keywords: Development, Language (verbal and non-verbal), Number sense and Geometry

Diego Golombek

Diego Golombek

Universidad Nacional de Quilmes / CONICET

Keywords: Behavior, School Interventions, Sleep

Diane Halpern

Diane Halpern

Claremont McKenna College, Emerita

Keywords: Games, Reasoning, Teaching

Kathy Hirsh-Pasek

Kathy Hirsh-Pasek

Temple University and Brookings Institution

Keywords: Childhood, Infancy, Language (verbal and non-verbal)

Susanne Jaeggi

Susanne Jaeggi

University of California, Irvine

Keywords: Cognitive training, Memory, Reasoning

Frank Keil

Frank Keil

Yale University

Keywords: Development, Memory, Reasoning

David Klahr

David Klahr

Carnegie Mellon University

Keywords: Childhood, Reasoning, Software Development

Ken Koedinger

Ken Koedinger

Carnegie Mellon University

Keywords: Cognitive training, Learning, Technology

Sebastián Lipina

Sebastián Lipina

Unidad de Neurobiología Aplicada (UNA, CEMIC-CONICET)

Keywords: Cognitive training, Development, School Interventions

Soo-Siang Lim

Soo-Siang Lim

US National Science Foundation

Keywords: Childhood, Development, Learning

Alejandro Maiche

Alejandro Maiche

CIBPsi, Centro de Investigación Básica en Psicología-Uruguay

Keywords: Cognitive training, Games, Number sense and Geometry

Jacques Mehler

Jacques Mehler


Keywords: Infancy, Number sense and Geometry, Reasoning

Mitchell Nathan

Mitchell Nathan

University of Wisconsin, Madison

Keywords: Learning, Number sense and Geometry, Teaching

Marina Nespor

Marina Nespor


Keywords: Adulthood, Infancy, Language (verbal and non-verbal)

Elena Pasquinelli

Elena Pasquinelli

Fondation la main à la pâte, Paris, France & Institut jean Nicod-Département d’études cognitives, ENS, Paris France

Keywords: School Interventions, Teaching, Teaching training

Sidarta Ribeiro

Sidarta Ribeiro

Instituto do Cérebro, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte

Keywords: Learning, School Interventions, Sleep

Mariano Sigman

Mariano Sigman

Universidad Torcuato Di Tella

Keywords: Behavior, Development, Learning

Elizabeth Spelke

Elizabeth Spelke

Harvard University

Keywords: Cognitive training, Infancy, Number sense and Geometry

Sidney Strauss

Sidney Strauss

Tel Aviv Iniversity

Keywords: Childhood, Development, Teaching

Kimberly Tanner

Kimberly Tanner

San Francisco State University

Keywords: Cognitive training, Learning, Teaching

Juan Valle-Lisboa

Juan Valle-Lisboa

Universidad de la República, Uruguay

Keywords: Electrophysiology, Language (verbal and non-verbal), School Interventions

Tom Wyman

Tom Wyman

Mary Institute and Saint Louis Country Day School (MICDS)

Keywords: Software Development, Teaching, Technology

Orit Zaslavsky

Orit Zaslavsky

New York University and the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology

Keywords: Adulthood, Reasoning, Teaching

